Style Course
It’s franchise-free ladies’ personal style training which includes shape, scale and style personality. Whether it’s to start your own personal style business, or add style to your existing image business, this personal style course caters for the savvy 21st century client who doesn’t want to be pinned to a wall and measured to within an inch of her life!
Learn how to diagnose your client’s body shape without needing to measure or touch her, 5 different ways to diagnose your clients’ style personality, a step-by-step approach to style consultations and workshops, and lots more.
Learn at your own pace 5 different ways to diagnose your clients’ style personality. How to diagnose your client’s body shape without needing to measure or touch her. How to advise ladies of all ages about which styles, shapes and lengths will make them look their most fabulous. How to assess and solve figure problems.
There’s tried-and-tested marketing techniques and how to get your first style clients. So transform or kick-start your existing image consultancy by providing 1-to-1 style consultations to your clients, providing style workshops for your clients, and offering all-new totally personalised styling services.