“Kim, How easy is it really to learn colour analysis with your training? How long will it be before I can run a one-to-one consultation and actually know what I’m talking about?” Grunwalde
Grunwalde, learning colour for the first time is exactly like learning anything else new for the first time…
Learning anything new takes effort, commitment, time, and determination
- As a toddler – How many times did you go back to the person who taught you how to tie your shoelaces for yet another training session?
- At school – How long did it take before you could recite your times tables perfectly?
- At your first job – How long did it take before you could do your work without supervision?

Every time you learn something new, you have to be flippin’ determined to keep putting in the effort and time before you feel confident enough to fly solo.
And you have to be able to ask for help.
If you’re training with me and you’re not completely daft, you’ll make good use of the 6 months’ personal email support I provide with my colour analysis training:
- I’m available to help but I won’t chase you
- I don’t run a franchise so this is your business – which means you make the decisions, especially about whether you want me to help you or not
I had absolutely no help when I first started learning colour
So it took me around 5 YEARS before I felt truly confident. There are a number of reasons why:
- There were no formal training courses in the early Eighties…
- because none of us knew what the flip we were doing and simply fathomed it out together as we bumbled along
- so no-one had the experience to ‘teach’ anything to anyone else
- There were no professional swatch wallets…
- some of the first attempts were beyond appalling – pieces of clunky card cut with a pair of seemingly-rusty scissors, with scraggy bits of material glued onto the card or attached with staples, with loose threads hanging everywhere!
- There were no professional colour analysis drapes…
- most of us ended up with a motley collection of a half-yard here and a half-yard there of random fabrics bought from the local market
- I typed my own drape labels
- I had to keep my nails really short in those days because I was using an ancient Olympic typewriter
- Some of those labels are still attached to a few of my drapes, hanging on by the skin of their teeth
So if I can learn colour analysis without any of the professional stuff available to you today, you most certainly can!
You also need to know…
I was hugely handicapped when it came to learning colour
Let me explain. I don’t ‘see’ colour in the way that most women do.
We only had seasonal analysis back in the early Eighties, and you need to be able to ‘see’ the differences between the tints, tones, shades, and hues of the 4 seasons – Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter – to be able to give each client personalised seasonal advice.

I tried really hard for almost 5 years… but simply could not ‘see’ this in the way you probably do.
My ‘trainers’ finally gave up on me and told me I would never make it as a colour consultant!
I’m a Red colour personality so I don’t take garbage like that sitting down!
I was determined because I knew there had to be another way for me to ‘see’ the differences.
This led me to discover that where most women are visual learners, I’m primarily an auditory learner.
It was flippin’ obvious why I couldn’t ‘see’ why different hues, tones, shades, and tints made different people look healthy – or not!
Visual learners can ‘see’ this easily. I simply learn in a different way.
As a result of all my personal struggles, all my training courses now cater for all the learning styles, so whether you’re primarily visual, auditory, or kinaesthetic, you can learn colour analysis – YOUR way.

So if an auditory learner like me can learn colour analysis, without formal training or professional drapes & swatches, then you should have no worries at all.
How long it takes YOU to learn colour
will be down to how much effort, commitment, and time YOU are prepared to put in.
And don’t underestimate how much determination you might need because life can throw all sorts of garbage at us!
Flossie was incredibly enthusiastic when she purchased my Colour Analysis Training in a Box. She told me she was going to quit her job and help as many women as possible.
- She started the training, used my personal email support twice, and then I didn’t hear from her for 4 years!
- Her other half had not been at all happy that she intended to give up her job… So Flossie put his wishes before hers (‘for a quiet life’ she told me) and put the training she was so enthusiastic about on the ‘shelf’
- 3+ years later, they divorced… Flossie’s self-esteem had taken a bit of a beating so it took several months to work through the training before she was confident enough to fly solo
- But she finally got back on track doing what SHE had always been determined to do
Brunhilde was one of the first who purchased my Colour Analysis Training in a Box. She had her first full-fee paying client in less than 3 weeks.
- She watched the videos several times, made and refined her notes, asked me loads of questions, and we discussed virtually every single one of her clients for the first few months
- When I thought she was ready, I told her to try the next 2 on her own… Brunhilde was nervous but determined
- From the outset, she had known exactly what she wanted – a business of her own because she hated her job. She didn’t have a partner to help financially so she was prepared to do whatever it took to be able to replace her current income
- She kicked the job into touch and has been flying high with her own business ever since!
You might need to sit down for this one…
You do NOT need drapes!
My training courses also show you how to diagnose tonal or seasonal colouring in the back of your head, which means that you do not have to drape your poor client to within an inch of her life!
I recommend you use drapes to demonstrate to the client her best colours and combinations…

But what I’m saying is that you do NOT need drapes to be able to come up with a seasonal or tonal diagnosis!
This means you’ll be able to deliver a diagnosis whilst waiting at the supermarket checkout or talking to a complete stranger… an exceedingly useful skill to have in your toolbox, because you never know when an opportunity to demonstrate what you can do will fall into your lap.
Create your own colour-ful future now
I recommend everyone starts with my world-famous Colour Analysis Training in a Box
- Learn seasonal & tonal colour analysis – with and WITHOUT drapes
- I don’t run a franchise so you can then choose for yourself whether you use tonal, seasonal, or both… After all, this is YOUR business
- Download the course training manual and the plethora of extra training materials
- Watch the videos, make loads of notes, and ask me all your questions
- you get my personal email support for 6 whole months
- I’ve prepared loads of done-for-you, print-ready forms and client handouts
- You can always add your own branding later but these will get you started today
- I show you how to find your first victims (sorry, volunteers) so that you can start practising colour analysis right away without charging full price and frightening yourself to death!
- As you gain experience, you’ll start refining your process and how you work – and we can discuss that too!
Then it’s time to book your 1-1 diploma/certification session with me.
- You can use this call for questions, coaching, your own personal development, to create your personalised business plan… whatever will help you the most!
In no time at all, you’ll be charging full price for your consultations, quickly recouping every penny you’ve invested in your future.
And from that point on, every penny you earn is profit!
You could use what you earn to supplement your current income – or even replace it.
Ah… the scent of freedom
- finding hope and freedom from the chains that bind us and keep us from our purpose and destiny
Invest now in a skill for life
I’m so grateful that I invested when I did – because I’m still earning from colour analysis 43 years later.
My world-famous Colour Analysis Training in a Box is the perfect starting point for you

- You’ll be able to work with personal clients in a small group or in a 1-1 consultation to help them look and feel absolutely fabulously confident on every occasion!
- 6 month’s personal email support from me plus a confidential 1-1 diploma call with me to ask all your questions
- You get lifetime access to all the online training so that even if your own device fails and you lose everything, you can still log in to your online training account from a new device
- Colour analysis is a skill for life that you can earn from for the rest of your days
- Full details here
Colour will add value to what you already sell
If you already sell beauty products, make-up, jewellery, shoes, clothes, accessories, hair services, etc. then you should think seriously about adding colour analysis advice to your service.
Help your clients make better choices about what you sell to complement their colouring – and they will love you forever!
You can also help customers choose appropriate gifts for their friends and family – get them to describe who they’re buying for, or ask for a photo – yes, it really is that easy!
Customers are often overwhelmed with the number of buying choices in front of them.
Help your customers to reduce the confusion by giving them personalised advice, and they’ll come back for more.
And they’ll tell all their friends about you!
In 43+ years, I have never had to pay for an advert. All my personal clients have come from word-of-mouth recommendations.
Adding value is exactly how I started my own colour analysis business
I started out in the early Eighties selling colour-coded make-up, especially to Mums who bought these products because they wanted some me-time away from family/job responsibilities and also wanted to look and feel good about themselves.

The make-up company trained us to also sell skin care and nutritional products to these ladies because they knew that Mums make the nutrition/health decisions for the whole family.
Once these ladies had seen how easy it was to choose the right colours for make-up, they wanted to know more about the power of colour.
So I invested in colour analysis training.
From that point, everything I offered was colour-coded. This meant that every customer only ever purchased the right colours in make-up, clothes, jewellery, accessories, hair colour, etc. for her specific seasonal/tonal colouring.
I ran an extremely successful skin-care and make-up business for over 19 years because I chose to invest in training so that I could add extra value with colour analysis.
If you own your own boutique or salon, adding colour analysis advice will set you apart from the rest.
Plus adding colour consultations and workshops could create another stream of income for you.
You’ll be able to cross-fertilise by selling your boutique/salon products to your colour clients, and selling your colour services to your boutique/salon clients.
When you have colour analysis skills under your belt, the world is your oyster!