The concepts I teach deal with absolutely any skin tone, hair or eye colour.
That’s what makes this system so great.
Too many poorly-trained image consultants jump to the conclusion that Asian, Black, and Hispanic clients are all Deep colouring before they’ve even looked at hair or eye colour!
I’m interested in your Colour Analysis training course but I have a question. Does your training cover Asian women, particularly those in my home of Singapore. These Asian women include Chinese, Malay and Indian. I’m Eurasian (German and Chinese mix) and I realised light and warm colours suit me best and I have a light look. My concern is, will your training help my clients?
Absolutely. You treat every single client on the planet in exactly the same way as you would for Caucasians, Hispanics, Afro-Caribbeans, Asians, Orientals and any other ethnic group you can think of. The concepts I teach enable you to deal with absolutely any skin tone, hair or eye colour that you come across. That’s what makes this system so great; you can use it anywhere in the world.
Far too many poorly-trained image consultants jump to the conclusion that all Asian, Black, and Hispanic clients are a Deep colouring before they’ve even looked at their hair or eye colour. My friend Esmeralda was trained as an image consultant by another training company (who shall remain nameless) and was furious that they insisted, during the training, in putting her immediately into the Dark category just because she has a dark-coloured skin (Afro-Caribbean). She is clearly (at least, to Esmeralda and myself) a Bright Spring. Needless to say, she didn’t stay working under that company’s umbrella for very long and started her own independent business.
The concepts I teach enable you to deal with any skin, hair or eye colour that you come across. Learn more