Well first let’s be clear on this. Everyone, including the world and his mother, can wear the colour red! However, just because you CAN does NOT mean you should. Red is rumbustious, ravishing, and radiant so if you’re not feeling rumbustious, ravishing, or radiant today, then maybe you shouldn’t wear it at all?
Rumbustious Red
- Red is the colour of fire and blood and is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, sacrifice, passion, beauty, courage, and anger
- In heraldry, red is used to indicate courage
- Ancient laws restricted the use of red to royalty
- Red symbolises nobility, ferocity, and boldness
Are you emotionally ready to handle these strong, passionate responses to wearing rumbustious red?
Ravishing Red
- Businesses use red as an accent colour to encourage or stimulate people to make quick decisions
- If you’re in business, use red for ‘Buy Now’ or sale signs, and for when you’re dressing to meet prospective clients
- When choosing red for yourself or clients remember that red can often evoke erotic feelings, i.e., red lipstick, red nail polish, red-light district!
Are you emotionally ready to handle these potentially erotic responses to wearing ravishing red?
Radiant Red
- Red is a very emotionally intense colour
- It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure
Anyone who mistakenly thinks every single Winter on the planet can wear strong red clothes will probably also think that every single Winter on the planet can wear a strong red lipstick.
As I will probably go to my grave saying, “Assumption is the mother of all misconception!” Let’s be really clear… NOT all Winters can wear a strong, red lipstick!
- To be fair, Winters need lipstick like they need oxygen – or they can just look downright pasty
- But it does NOT have to be an in-your-face, loud, radiant red
- Please check first that your Winter friend or client actually WANTS to wear a strong, red lipstick before you slap it on the poor woman’s face!
Is your client emotionally ready to handle the potentially intense responses to wearing radiant red?

The same goes for all 4 seasons – Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Just because there are one or more reds in your season’s colour swatch wallet does NOT mean you should wear any shade of red for clothes or lipstick because:
Physical colour analysis simply isn’t enough
From a physical point of view, all 4 seasons can wear red:
- Winters can often wear a strong, intense, cool, bright, pillar-box red
- Summers can often wear a muted, cool version like soft raspberry
- Autumns may look ravishing in a deeper, warm, brick red
- Springs may sparkle in a brighter, yellow-based, tomato red
But I never, ever offer colour advice based on the physical evidence alone. The minute I start working with a new client, I gather as much information about her psychological state as I can. I make it as fun as possible so that she’s part of the whole investigation.
I usually start with my Colour Psychology Quiz. There are only 11 questions but they tell me everything I need to know. And my client gets to learn so much more about herself, especially when we discuss her answers.
Do the quiz yourself and discover more about what and why you are who you are. Then try it out on your friends and clients.
Before you start telling anyone which colours they should wear, you first need to find out who they are, what makes them tick, and what they want. Treat them as a whole being, one made from flesh and blood, but also one full of emotions and personality traits that will, at some point, bubble to the surface and affect the way they feel about colour.
To do this, you’ll need to find a personality typing method that works for you. Personally, I love the Colour Psychology Quiz. It’s included it in all my colour analysis training courses. However, I also use a variety of other methods of personality profiling because I will use whatever it takes!
Personality typing is fundamental to everything I do in my training, coaching, and writing, so I’ve spent years investigating everything I could lay my hands on. There’s no need for you to do that. I’ve created a quick and easy way to save you years of investigation because I’ve already done the hard work for you with my Colour Psychology Course… in which I taught everything I had learned thus far about colour psychology to a live audience of 14 image consultants.
We videoed the entire day’s training and now you can watch, listen, and learn from the live discussions about a plethora of different approaches to personality typing including:
- the Four Humours, Carl Jung, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
- Extraversion vs. Introversion, Keirsey Temperament Sorter II
- True Colors, VAK Learning Styles, Colour Affects
- plus loads more including alternative methods of personality typing such as Color Me A Season, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Enneagrams, and Archetypes
Find out who you really are
The colour psychology techniques and tools you will learn in the Colour Psychology Course will give you massive insights into who YOU really are.
If you’re an image consultant or a coach, my step-by-step tools will help you discover your client’s colour personality which will enable you to create a bespoke service for EACH individual client. After all, the more you understand your client, the more focused and personalised your services can be.