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Testimonials about our image consultant training and personal coaching programs

If you’re thinking of going to colour analysis training, you can’t get better than Kim Bolsover (yes I trained with her) not only for her down to earth approach but for her fantstic ways to build business, how to run workshops, and you can do it in the comfort of your own home.
I would recomend no-one else.
This isn’t a one business fits all, Kim really helps you grow YOUR business, as well as tailoring making your consulations for your customers, not fitting your customers into the same box for all.
– Nicky | France
Colour Analysis Training in a Box
Our happy customers have a lot to say about Colour Analysis Training in a Box
I love the training. The content is well structured and quite in-depth. You also make people feel comfortable and at ease.

USAI purchased Colour Analysis Training in a Box, the first beginner course for colour analysis and I am absolutely loving it. I think the best part is how I so much resonate how you explain the relationship between you and the client and how to really put them first. I have had my colours done by professionals who have just left me with a huge amount of info and one even said ‘throw away all your clothes, that are not in your colour palette’. And surprise, surprise, she also typed me wrong. But that’s another topic, haha. And at the same time, I also love all of these experiences, and feel the same, that I would never do that to anyone ever coming to my consult.

EstoniaDid a colour analysis since watching the [Colour Analysis Training in a Box] course and must say that I felt much less stressed than usual so that’s a big relief.

BelgiumHi Kim, your [colour analysis training in a box] training really inspires me. Nice work!

USASuch a joy and pleasure to read your content. It really cheers me up and gives me hope and encouragement to re-start my colour analysis career all over again.

UKI just enrolled in my first course with Improvability last night! I am taking the Color Analysis in a Box / Tonal System Training so that I can learn all about the best Color system to practice and open my own home based color analysis studio! Can’t wait to get my password and get to training! Wowee!

USAThank you, Kim, this training is the best decision I’ve made! So happy with the materials, videos and your wonderful support.

USAThank you for clearing all my doubts so well, in great detail. Thank you so much. I am so very glad to have received my Colour Analysis training under your guidance and through Improvability. It’s amazing how you help in every which way. Thank you for giving out real life examples to help me with my doubt. It really explains well that we can’t and should not have fixed rules in colour analysis unless a colour gives confidence and looks fabulous near the face of a person. And I completely agree that we cannot convince our clients to wear only the colours that appear in the swatch wallet. In fact, I did tell [my colour client] to go ahead and wear black as it suits her a lot. Thank you so much again! The idea of no fixed rules really helps in clearing my confusion. As you always keep repeating, colour is subjective.

IndiaJust want to say thank you very much for your time. It’s been really interesting and worthwhile. Really enjoying this Kim. I am an academic too, a former head teacher. I feel like I’m getting 1 to 1 tutorial here!

USATo anyone interested in this purchase, may I say that I bought the kit a year after I started my image business and it was the best investment I could make! It seems like a lot of money, but is well worth it and you will never regret it. By the way, this was unasked for and I will not get any remuneration when you buy.

UKI just wanted to say, I purchased your Colour Training in a Box package around July last year. It has been a slow process to get my own little colour business off the ground as I have had to juggle it around two small children. However, I popped an ad in the local paper and now things are really starting to take off.
Because I live in Australia, the weather here is sunny and bright all the time and I seem to have (unintentionally) created a business doing home visits and colour analysis parties (max 5 ladies at a time). They absolutely love it.
I set up alfresco and have a thoroughly great time watching these small groups of women getting so excited and thrilled over their individual colour results. I have never had so much fun in a job. Thank you.

AustraliaColour Your Client Fabulous Online
Our happy customers have a lot to say about Colour Your Client Fabulous Online
Since having my colours done and training in colour my confidence has grown, particularly in the last two years. Studying Colour Your Client Fabulous Online I delved deeper into colour personality and that has opened another world to me. I don’t know if it is knowing more about colour psychology or lockdown but I am now able to acknowledge that I’m an introvert. Now we are out and about I’m happy to watch people and don’t feel the need to try and be someone I’m not. The amazing thing is that wearing my best colours people think I’m the life and soul of the event when all I do is sit back and people-watch. Fascinating.

UKI have finished Colour Your Client Fabulous Online course, which was really, really good. I understand that there are so many options how to determine client colours, you don’t need drapes nor digital palettes. I have been obsessed by colours for years, and seeing how much my own confidence has changed when firstly realising what colours suit me best, and secondly while implementing them, seeing how my confidence grows. I can’t wait to offer that to other women too! That’s something truly motivating me!

EstoniaMen’s Image Course
Our happy customers have a lot to say about the Men’s Image Course
Love the new format! I have not used the subtitles but I can see they could be very handy for others.

USAI want to thank you for the Men’s Image course. It is just amazing! I’m learning so much and the information is priceless. It is very convenient and easy with the short videos. The notes also help a lot and are clear and structured. And I need to tell you that you were right once again – men do pay good money and don’t question the price. I’ve made a proposal for a total style analysis (colours, shape, scale, style) and online shopping. I will charge the same fee as I would for a lady but only have to spend one-third of the time working with him. So overall, I’m earning 3 times as much for the same time investment, and at the same price, and he said yes immediately. He is interested in getting dressed for dates, so I’ll do my best to be one of his wedding guests one day!

BulgariaColour Yourself Fabulous
Our happy customers have a lot to say about Colour Yourself Fabulous
Dear Kim, Just wanted to say how much I’m looking forward to the Colour Yourself Fabulous mini course. I first heard about colour analysis over 10 years ago from a friend who’d been to have hers done. It was another 10 before I got around to doing the same!
I’ve been on your mailing list for a while now but am no image consultant. I’m full time mum to 3 girls under 3 and a half, who is 36 years old and hasn’t a clue how to dress, do her hair or even shop, for goodness’ sake. How pathetic is that!
I thought of mailing you to see was there any way that someone like me could learn this stuff without, as you say, having to take out a second mortgage. But I didn’t, thinking that you were an experienced professional who wouldn’t have time for such trivial matters. I was THIS CLOSE to buying your whole ebook collection recently, but, even if I WAS the target audience, I never would have found the time to read it all.
So I was delighted when the mail about the mini-course popped into my inbox. Thank you so much for putting it together – I know it will be great. You mentioned that creating this course was maybe going to annoy a few people. So, a double thank you. There are people out there who would love to spend a fortune having their own consultant, but simply can’t. We’re not trying to cheat anyone out of anything. We just want to be able to respect ourselves a little bit more! Best wishes.

USAI have just finished listening to the 4th module. I know that I will go back and listen and watch again to help the valuable information to sink in and get a handle on everything. I have taken the step and decided that yes this is what I want to do, to enjoy and enlighten other ladies on the joy of colour. These will be slow baby steps at first, but I am so excited on taking these steps. Thank you Kim for making me smile and for the enjoyable conversation yesterday.

UKI’ve been too afraid to start your big course Colour Analysis Training in a Box, that I purchased a few months ago, so I thought I would start with this Colour Yourself Fabulous mini-course to give me confidence. Thank you for the help.

CanadaDear Kim, First of all I wanted to say how much I enjoyed the Colour Yourself Fabulous sessions! I’ve loved colour analysis for more years than I care to remember but have only ever dabbled and never taken it beyond an interest, that is until now. When I found out about the offer on the Tonal System training and with the option to pay in 3 instalments I thought – no more procrastinating, time to get my kit and caboodle in gear!

UKI’ve been an Image Consultant for a long time, enough that my once light brown hair [warm] is turning white around my face and mixed grey color over the rest of my hair so I’ve been experimenting with some cooler colors and was anxious to see what Kim had to say about hair changes.
Oh what a terrific response! Confusion is beginning to leave me! I’m a bit funky and/or quirky in my personality and dress. Being 75 I thought I SHOULD quit having blond applied to the rest of my hair and go au naturel. With Kim’s response I think I’ll have my hairdresser put more blond into my hair. I’m re-listening to Module 1 and getting tons out of it. Thank you!

USAI purchased the Color Yourself Fabulous course and I’ve loved it. I’ve been thinking about making a little side business out of it after some practice on friends! Thanks for offering this mini course. It gave me a step into my passion that I can afford.

USAThank you Kim, I’ve enjoyed module #1 already!

UKHi Kim, I really enjoyed the webinar today, very interesting that drapes are not needed! Looking forward to module #2!

GibraltarI am really tempted to take the plunge and purchase the Colour Analysis Training in a Box… I have really loved doing your Colour yourself Fabulous training and I can really imagine making a career out of this! I’d love to dive in and learn all the subtleties of colour analysis in depth. I don’t have time to book a discovery call before the promotion runs out but I guess what I really need to know is, can I really make a proper income doing such a wonderful job, if I work hard and advertise? And will I be able to access support to awaken my inner businesswoman?
I also wanted to thank you for helping me discover my true colours. I’ve really come alive now I know that I’m a dark-haired Warm. I am shining in salmon pink, gold, moss green and camel! Having been every hair colour under the sun from raven to platinum, and having wasted more money than I’d like to admit on clothes that don’t really do me any favours, I now feel a fantastic new strength and confidence. I’m starting to show the world who I really am at last! Thanks and best wishes.

FranceKim, I just had a great conversation with a lady who is interested in my complete colour and style program which I’m so excited about because:
I used the phone call script you shared with us in your eye-opening Get More Clients Course. It was the first course that I bought from you.
I quickly figured out the lady’s colour personality based on her questions and overall approach. This is the skill you teach in your Colour Analysis Training in a Box course.
Based on her requirements I found out she is a visual learner, she wanted everything in writing. I learned this skill in your Personal Style Course.
I listened and made notes, which is the skill you teach us repeatedly in every one of your courses. When I shared the investment with her, she said she was interested in the most expensive service I offer. Assume nothing. This is one of the best rules you teach.
So to sum up, every single one of the courses I bought from you was a great investment. Why should I try to figure things out myself, if I have access to a mentor who has been there, gone through it all, and achieved her goals? I am so happy that I use your methods and take steps that WORK. Every single time.
– Karolina | Canada
Colour Analysis Explained
Our happy customers have a lot to say about Colour Analysis Explained
Colour Analysis Explained was filmed in front of a live audience of image consultants, day one of a 3-day Colour Analysis Summit that we created to present all things colour analysis.
Hi Kim, I thoroughly enjoyed the Colour Analysis Summit and look forward to keeping in touch with the other ‘girls’. We became a little family! I can’t believe there are so many people in the world that love colour as much as I do. Thank you for organising the Summit and I appreciate all the material you gave me. I am enthused and have already spoken to two clients about their hair. Thanks again for a great weekend and enjoy that G&T.

UKDear Kim, I had a ball at the weekend. Lapped it all up like a sponge and loved every minute. The whole subject is totally fascinating and I can’t wait to get started. My daughter is coming round tomorrow and I am going to have a go on her. Thank you for organising the whole thing and for making it such a brilliant weekend.

UKHello Kim, I very much enjoyed the colour summit and meeting all those beautiful women. It was great to meet you in person too.

UKKim, Yes, I did get home safely thank you, and had already booked today as holiday to get my head around all the information. Also, want to say how much I enjoyed the Colour Analysis Summit and big THANK YOU. I am sorry I had to dash off for my train, as I would have loved to have stayed a bit longer to have a longer chat more about what I mentioned (specialising in workshops for petite ladies).

UKHi Kim, Hope you and Neil had an easy journey – it must have taken a while to pack everything away! It was a great three days, thoroughly enjoyed it and looking forward to receiving all the additional info.

UKKim, the Colour Summit was a lovely group and it was a shame there wasn’t more time to chat to everyone – always fascinated to hear what brings people to one place.

UKDear Kim, Just wanted to write you a quick message to say how I thoroughly enjoyed the course. I would really like to talk to you about my next step.

UKBespoke Personal Online Colour Consultation
Our happy customers have a lot to say about their Online Colour Consultation
Thanks very much for sending the Online Colour Analysis. I’ve had time to read through it all now, and it is really interesting! I’d worked out that I was a Summer before, but could never seem to pin down if I was a Cool or a Soft or a Light or whatever and sometimes I got tempted to buy Winter colours, which almost worked sometimes, but not quite.

UKI have gone over and over the analysis and learned new things about myself. First, I am glad I’m a winter! I love all those colours.
On to the personality part. There were quite a few surprises in this section. I had to really study this and think about myself honestly. I got a couple of close friends to go through it with me and we all were in agreement that you were quite accurate. When I read that summary it felt like it was screaming me!
I have been following your blog for a couple of years now and I find it so interesting and I have already learned so much. I am seriously considering a future in this field. I have ordered your ladies style training course and I’m excited to begin learning. I can’t see myself ever getting to where you are but I’m looking forward to trying! My dream is to know about colour well enough to be able to do a colour analysis one day. Thanks for the inspiration and I look forward to learning more from you!

CanadaThank you so much. I have just had a quick chance to look over the basics of your analysis and wanted to say the following: Firstly, I will be ordering a colour palette during the week to suit my colours.
Secondly, I can’t believe it! You are so right! It is really funny because even when reading the report I was thinking ‘fantastic – I love reds, bright colours, royal blues, etc.’ I absolutely love those jewel colours but hardly ever wear them because I always feel that I am pushing myself forward too much in them and feel a bit that people will find me really overpowering in them.
I can’t believe that you put in the report that I have been hiding away from the colours that I like – it is so true! I am going to spend time really reading the report properly during the week but just wanted to thank you so much for the analysis. I think it is great and I am just going to put on my red top when we go out for dinner this evening!

UKI want to start off by thanking you again for offering this service. I can’t begin to tell you how wonderful it is to have this opportunity even though I’m living in another country! I would love to have done it in person, but this was the next best thing! I have read your analysis many times (I have lost count).

USAColour Analysis Supplies
Our happy customers have a lot to say about our Colour Analysis Supplies
I just received my order and wanted to thank your team for the velocity and the service. I wasn’t expected such a fast delivery, and it for sure gives me a very good feeling regarding my future orders.

ItalyHello, I wanted to let you know that I received the women’s color packets and couldn’t be more pleased. I’ve been doing and teaching color for close to 35 years now. In recent years it’s become almost impossible to find wallets with accurate colors for each season, your seasonal wallets are spot on. This makes it that much easier for the client to build a wardrobe and keep coming back as well as spreading the word about color. Thank you for staying true to the beginnings of the color system. Well done!

USAPersonal Shopping Course
Our happy customers have a lot to say about our Personal Shopping Course
Hi Kim, I’m loving all your training. Many thanks for sharing so much wonderful material.

AustraliaAmazing. I am signed in and already loving it.

IsraelThe course videos are very helpful. Ki̇m is great! No surprise there.

TurkeyI trained in colour with someone else but have since purchased your courses and found them very helpful and enjoy your down to earth teaching style.

New ZealandFranchise-free Training
Our happy customers have a lot to say about our franchise-free training
10 years ago, life changed dramatically for me. I was in a job I detested and it made my life an absolute misery. Then bam! Kim walks into my life and it’s been a fantastic, exciting, happy and profitable one since.
I started out on Kim’s Colour Training and it had a profound effect on me, I couldn’t wait to start making a difference to people’s lives. Since then, I’ve worked my way through her courses and with her Mastermind & Mentoring programme went from ‘hobby housewife’ to ‘credible business woman’ swiftly! I’ve just worked out some figures, after my last mentoring programme with Kim, my turnover has gone up by 340% for the last quarter and I’m on track to raise that, month on month.
This wonderful Industry of Image & Style really can change lives, ours and all those clients out there waiting for your help.

UKHi Kim, Thank you for sending a personalized welcome message. My Mom trained in color analysis a long time ago so you can imagine I have had it all my life in the back of my ear. I am a professional chef and work on these big beautiful billionaires’ private yachts you see in other countries. I am looking for an exit strategy eventually. A while back I completely burnt out and had to stop everything and go home to recover. During this period I trained as a life coach.
So why am I here? My partner is into all the beauty side – make up, nail art, hairstyling, etc. and I am thinking together with my coaching and her artistic skills to have a kind of makeover business based on color and coaching people around how they see themselves, as there is huge market for coaches to do with body image. If people are depressed or sad they dress in dreary clothes and washed out colors. The whole idea would be to help people change the mindset they have created and then give them a makeover using Their colors etc.
My partner can speak very good English but it is not her first language. I wanted something we could do together, i.e. watch the training together rather than pay thousands to go to a course she doesn’t understand. I also looked at a few of your videos before.
I wasn’t interested in a franchise. When I am doing my coaching I don’t follow someone’s franchise. I just take what I have learnt and adapt it to my style which is the same as what I want to do with this course. I also like the fact you offer more than just color. I look forward to getting started.

USAFabulous Colour Analysis Course
Our happy customers have a lot to say about our Fabulous Colour Analysis Course
I’ve worked through your brilliant online Fab Colour Analysis course, put in quite a bit of practice, and would like to book that telephone conversation regarding the certificate. I’d like to say that as a Green auditory learner longing to ‘see’ colour, I found it rich and satisfying as well as enjoyable and informative. Enough formal-speak! I loved it! And one ace thing among many others is that you have left it for lifetime access. There’s no doubt I’ll be going back into it often for pure enjoyment as well as everything else. Thank you.

UKThank you for a brilliant course. My brain has been working overtime, I’m going to sit down over the weekend when I’ve got some peace and quiet, read through my notes, download all the bits and pieces I need and begin to put my newfound knowledge into operation. I feel that I gained a wealth of know-how on this course, so thank you for your expertise and guidance, and for the fun way that you put it all together! I am really excited.

UKHi Kim, I recently purchased your online Fabulous Colour Analysis Course and have learned so much after just the first day. Your no-nonsense attitude and sincere support are not only encouraging, but also inspiring. Now, I’d like to purchase some colour supplies.

USAThanks Kim! I’m thrilled to get started on this venture. Thank you for providing such thorough training materials. I feel much more confident about color analysis now after finishing your course!

USAI just completed Part 1 of Fab Colour (love it). I own an Ecommerce business that helps women health seekers find self-confidence via safe beauty products. I want to continue my color analysis training so I can offer the best service when it comes to helping my customers choose the best makeup colors, especially online. I would also love to offer full color analysis courses as an add-on service. I am very excited about all this!! Thanks so much Kim for making this possible.

USAPersonal Style Course
Our happy customers have a lot to say about our Personal Style Course
A great course!

AustraliaThis course did not disappoint! I learned so much.

USAWith the Colour Analysis and Personal Style courses, I am having a blast at the moment and I can confidently say it’s all money well spent. Thank you again.

NigeriaI’ve completed Fabulous Colour Analysis, I started with the first video of the Personal Style training last night, already feeling inspired once again. Your sense of humour is always a highlight. Many thanks.

SwitzerlandJust a quick line to say how very much I enjoyed the style training. I expected the usual ‘if you’re this shape you wear such-and-such a cut of jacket’ etc. SILLY ME!!! So much more and wonderful insights into how to pitch my business.

UKKim, I loved every second of this course. As I mentioned, I have completed a personal styling course, in fact 3 of them in Sydney and in Melbourne, which stripped away every idea of style I inherently had and left me with 3 certificates, confusion and a measuring tape that was considered vital to my success! You are the most brilliant teacher and the way the material is outlined along with your guidance and tips make this course, interesting, enjoyable and highly informative. A huge Thank You.

AustraliaI wanted to say I was so thrilled to see you talking about movement advice for clients in the style course. For me, it is SO powerful and an area so overlooked and not really understood by most people, except under a broad term of body language. I also am a dancer and dance teacher (currently argentine tango) so I see how new movement changes lives.

AustraliaCurrently you’re on constant replay on my ears with all the expert knowledge that you have acquired over the years. I’m definitely changing the way I do things. So glad I didn’t stumble upon the traditional image consultant mentor.

AustraliaThanks for another great course! I learned so much and am amazed how much more addicted to style I am! I can’t stop analysing people’s body shapes – hope it’s not too obvious to the people I’m studying as I do want to make a name for myself and promote my business but don’t want a prison sentence!

UKThe Library
Our happy customers have a lot to say about The Library membership
The Library is fantastic. A wealth of information for less than the cost of a lunch each month.

USAJust listened to my business mentor Kim Bolsover’s ‘Getting Over your Money Blocks’ webinar in the Library. Why oh why didn’t I listen to it months ago? Flippin’ genius but so simple when you know how!

UKThank you for the list of Library nuggets, brilliant! I have enjoyed listening this afternoon to a few of your audio pieces – which took me ‘back to school’ in a very pleasant way – you are so good at what you do.

UKLibrary post #109 – Is the Law of Attraction Relevant to Your Business? Thank you so much for this Kim. Just a great reminder I needed to hear right now. Sometimes you just have to go back to the very start, back to basics and review what is going right or wrong in life and why. It encouraged me to get out my Bob Proctor book ‘You were born rich’ once more and give it another read. It’s a subject I could talk about all day long, every day. It was great listening to you. Thank you Kim and have a beautiful evening.

IrelandBonus Training Webinars
Our happy customers have a lot to say about the bonus free training webinars
Michelle (Australia) – Katie, all of us trained with Kim Bolsover and do exactly the same, including you, Katie. It’s always about the person we work with and not simply their physical appearance. Otherwise I would be bored out of my brain!

UKTonight I rediscovered my own learning style while going through a course. Never really knew how I Iearned before as I have fared quite well in uni days, and probably had everything smooth sailing. Well, not until I had to grasp concepts on colour theory and its analysis! Which is comparable to learning German for me! For two years I was “blind”, I don’t see colours as I wished with my heart. I don’t blame my teachers, they did everything splendid. I didn’t push myself hard enough on all fours to learn more. Then I listened to Kim Bolsover and loved how she shared she’s an auditory learner instead of visual! I could almost feel my brain nodding to everything I have learned before, and through my ears; relationships of tones, seasons, and its impact made sense, finally. So truly, Im now more ready and enlightened. I hope through my insights, I can benefit further during my image sharing.

MalaysiaHow to easily demonstrate Warm vs. Cool – Amazing tutorial given by one of my favourites Kim Bolsover. Blessed to have you in my life and learn or get amazing tips and advice from you. Enjoy the rest of your wine. Well deserved!

IsraelThank you so much Kim Bolsover, this was another amazingly helpful webinar, I could just listen to you all day long!

IrelandI love to learn and it never harms to repeat things and I am often given chances to pick up more knowledge or more ideas to make my business stronger or to achieve more and look at things in a different way. Thank you Kim Bolsover for that opportunity last night to join your amazing and vibrant colour analysis training session. It is amazing what colours are out there and how we can use them in every aspect of our lives. The psychology of colour is amazing, even black being one of them!

IsraelUltimate Training Program
Our happy customers have a lot to say about our Ultimate Training Program
I already started developing my learning schedule. You were so right about the amount of information, it’s overwhelming. But it’s also a lot of valuable and necessary content to grasp and master related skills and key ideas. I understand some of your students who want to take all four courses in a very short period of time. Allow me couple of days to review the materials and come back to you for setting up a call. The discovery call we’ve had and series of e-mails from Linda got us a very strong start, I’m looking forward to working with you on this course.

EstoniaIt is early days as my Mentor but I already wanted to say thank you for the courses which I am listening to as much as I can in between my other work and kids etc. I am loving it and it is helping to cement all the things I have already learnt with my previous trainer. I have finally completed my Image training with her so I am now feeling more comfortable about developing the way I work with your help as she was very keen that her way was the only way and I was feeling very uncomfortable about this – as we discussed. I have Image Clients booked in again from end of next week. I am going to book in a mentoring session with you. I was keen to go through your videos first rather than asking you lots of questions about things that you have already covered in your online training.

UKUltimate Training Program
Our happy customers have a lot to say about the Ultimate Training Program
I enjoyed your super-long phone message! It tells me you are so passionate about what you do.

USALove this course Kim. I can watch on my iPad anywhere. Also I like the interaction in the group of ladies. I found this course answered a lot of my questions so many thanks for that. Found it amusing too!

UKThanks Kim! I’m thrilled to get started on this venture. Thank you for providing such thorough training materials. I feel much more confident about color analysis now after finishing your course!

USAHi Kim, Thank you for all your initial help and advice, I have thought a lot about our conversations and I really feel like your courses give me great confidence and energy to keep going. I have not yet completed all the courses I purchased but I am still doing it which is what is important. I would love your feedback in relation to a recent consultation and if you have any advice for me.

AustraliaFirst I would like to say congrats for your amazing performance on the course. Second, I would love to say thanks for giving to us the opportunity to have private coaching calls with you, for me it’s more than a treasure! Let me tell you that I’ve studied with others previously and it’s been very, very interesting to contrast the different ways and I’m enjoying and understanding too, that the more I know, the more I still have to learn so I would love to prepare some very important questions for you. I can’t lose this opportunity! Big besos from España and thank you again for everything!

SpainHair Colour Analysis Course
Our happy customers have a lot to say about our Hair Colour Analysis Course
This is a fantastic course. I found the content influenced my whole approach to colour analysis. Just more to offer your client.

UKThe hair colour analysis course was brilliant and just what I needed. I have been introducing a new stylist today to the world of colour analysis. I can highly recommend the course.

UKMy Mom is so excited. She’s a Winter and I realized she’s had her hair frosted the wrong shade of blonde for years.

USAI took this training. It is an extra skill that can only make you more valuable to your clients.

ItalyAs a former hairdresser, I would heartily recommend the ebook ‘An Introduction to Hair in relation to image’ (included in the course) to you all, it’s packed with knowledge and sound advice. I just wish all hairdressers were made to read it and do Kim’s Hair Colour Analysis Course, it’d do them a world of good.

UKYou will love the Hair Colour Analysis course. I just finished watching it and it’s amazing. So informative! You will find out exactly why your colour ends up too warm.

CanadaThis is so valuable and a great tool to have in your ‘tool box’. Ladies love to talk about their hair because most of the time it’s something they struggle with. I very often dip into this. A good few years ago we sat at Kim’s and bombarded Scott with questions. I would really urge consultants who do colour / style or both to get this, it is so valuable to the business we are in. It’s also a stand-alone workshop and really gets ladies talking. Well worth investing in, even as a feeder for further business.

UKColour Psychology Course
Our happy customers have a lot to say about our Colour Psychology Course
I’m loving the colour training so far and I’m about halfway through. It’s all making total sense and I’m starting to guess people’s colours as I walk down the street! I seem to remember that during our great War and Peace exchange you mentioned it would be interesting doing the colour psychology test. It made me laugh when I got ‘green’ as my results (very closely followed by yellow) as it completely summed me up. I have a very inquiring mind and question everything (as you probably noticed), get involved, commit passionately to any project, and struggle with anything superficial. Luckily I also have a good sense of humour to counterbalance my intensity!

UKI really loved your colour psychology course, and it’s such a vital element in the colour analysis I offer my clients.

UKI think the information and presentation with Kim is fabulous and can hardly wait to move forward.

USAListening to the info about the Colour Psychology again and I’m wondering if actually I’ve been missing the core of me, which could explain a lot of things literally and physically which I think is a Winter not Spring. I think I felt I should drop the ‘Winter’ part of me when I got married to allow my husband to be more Winter. Fascinating and looking forward to chatting about this more.
Debs, UK