“Hi Kim, Hope you are well. I have just loved everything about the Fabulous Colour Analysis course – the content, the presentation, everything. Your teaching method is so enjoyable. I am learning a lot from you. Just wondering what to do if someone says they are not happy with their current hair colour and would like me to recommend. Should I do a colour analysis by covering the hair, then drape, and then send her to a hairdresser, or should I suggest they go the hairdresser for advice first?” Jaclinde, Ireland
Dear Jaclinde,
Thank you so much for your lovely email/enquiry, and your kind words about the course. That’s why Neil and I continue to do what we do…
You ask, “Just wondering what to do if someone says they are not happy with their current hair colour and would like me to recommend. Should I do a colour analysis by covering the hair and drape and then send her to a hairdresser or suggest they go the hairdresser for advise first.”
Here are 3 suggestions to consider
1 I would never recommend covering anyone’s hair up in a colour analysis.
Regardless of what the client wants to do to her hair in the future, you still have to deal with how she looks today.
If you want to start offering semi-professional* advice about hair colour (and also style and cut), then I’ve included two more suggestions (below).
If you don’t, then do the colour analysis as normal.
Show the client the best colours for her to wear with her current hair colour, advise her to consult a professional hair colourist, and then she can come back to you with her new hair colour for up-to-date colour advice.
The ancient notion that we only ever need our colours done once is utter rubbish:
- Women change their hair colour regularly so they need fresh colour analysis advice to make the most of that
- We all lose the pigment in our hair so we all need to update our colours to compensate/complement
- Some change their skin colour – tanning, whitening, and health issues being the usual causes
- Some even change their eye colour with coloured lenses…
2 Simplified Hair Colour Analysis
This is the title of #15 in my 20x Step-by-Step Masterclasses – with audio, notes, and workbook
This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at Hair Colour Analysis and how not to get your knickers in a twist about something that should be so simple!
We’re going to look at:
- Identifying hair colour
- Colour communication
- How to deal with client hair queries
- Expert hair colour advice for your clients
- How to read professional hair shade charts
You get all 20x Step-by-Step Masterclasses as a free bonus with membership of Fabulous Colour Academy – safe, secure community providing support and training for image consultants around the world, no matter who you’ve trained with.
3 If providing semi-professional* hair colour recommendations is something you’re really keen to help your clients with, then I suggest you consider my Hair Colour Analysis training course.
Incluced in this course is Scott Cornwall’s amazing book ‘Introduction to Hair for Image, Colour Consultants & Stylists’.

Scott is a Hair Image Expert and he teaches colour & style consultants how to provide a 5-minute Mini Hair Consultation for your clients.
You could:
- include a Mini Hair Consultation in your 1-1 colour consultations
- either as a free bonus, or charge an extra fee and allow extra time
- offer it as a separate, chargeable consultation
- run hair colour analysis workshops for a small group – and yes, definitely charge for this!
The results from the Mini Consultation enable you to provide professional hair colour information for your client to take to her hair colourist. This is because both hair and image industries speak the same language when it comes to colour, using the same International Colour Code (ICC).
NB. Semi-professional* advice
We are NOT professionally-trained hair colourists. However, by studying the content in Scott’s book, we are light years ahead of most other image consultants and can offer semi-professional advice to our colour clients who can then take that to their professional-level trained hair colourist.