Colour behaviour – colour builds confidence, saves physical lives, saves emotional lives, and deserves recognition.
It may be difficult to believe but I was born shy. In my early twenties I thought that no-one was interested in anything I had to say. I noticed that so-called friends continually talked over the top of me. Confidence? I didn’t know the meaning of the word. Back then, I felt the only thing I was good for was a life of boredom working a low-level desk job. I had about as much self-esteem as Cinderella before the Fairy Godmother sorted her out!
Then I had my colours done. That one event changed my life. I realised that I could look good on the outside while starting to work on the inside stuff. Colour saved me from a fate worse than death, working for other people in a corporate prison. If I’d gone down that route I know for certain that I would have ended up running away to Spain to pick oranges but colour gave me the hope that I could actually be somebody who other people actually listened to.
Colour needs more recognition
This is why I get so fed up of the low status of colour analysis. It should be up there with NLP and psychotherapy.
Colour in all its forms has the power to change lives.
Colour behaviour can save your physical life
Colour is more than just an important part of our everyday lives. Birds and animals know when it’s safe to eat certain foods such as fruits and berries and they also know when not to, and colour is a big indicator. Humans used to know all this when we had to forage and hunt for food. Unfortunately as we have ‘progressed’, we seem to have lost that conscious connection to the earth so if we had to take to the forests again, we’d have to take a survival handbook with us! I’ve got a copy of Ray Mears’ book ready for if the day ever came.
But in our cultured world of going to the supermarket to buy our food, at least we have remembered that:
- When bananas are green, this warns us that they’re not quite ripe enough to eat yet, and we’ll probably get a nasty tummy upset if we do
- When they’re yellow, we know they’re ok to eat
- When they’re becoming distinctly brown all over, well they’re on the slippery slope to down and out
- When they’re black, this is nature’s way of saying, ‘This is dead. Stay away!’
So you see, colour, quite literally, can keep us physically breathing, or not if we choose to ignore the signs.
Colour behaviour can save your emotional life too
Colour is a massive indicator to humans. It affects how you feel and behave. When I had my colours done way back in 1980, I immediately felt better about myself. And I started to behave differently too. Colour gave me hope, more confidence and a real future. Just think what it could do for you!
Just think what you could do with all this colour knowledge!