For confident body language start with your hairstyle. Your hair is your crowining glory. It’s one of the very first things we notice when we meet someone. And most women (men, too) feel much more confident when their hair looks good. Choose a style to suit your shape and personality, and start showing the world that you feel good about yourself.
I gave a talk on style to a ladies’ group some time ago and was distressed to see so many older ladies with such severely short haircuts – especially on those with more curvy figures. Yes, I know – it’s easier to manage when it’s short but that shouldn’t be the sole reason for chopping off your hair!
- Ladies with rounded features generally look much better with some volume of hair around their face
- It’s usually those with angular features that can carry a shorter cut well
It seems to me that many of these older ladies have lost their desire to look good and they are making a statement to the world – that in a deliberate attempt to make themselves look less feminine, they see themselves as no longer being desirable as women. This is a severe indictment of how our society treats older women and it makes my blood boil. Men seem to acquire the status of ‘sophisticated’ as they ‘age gracefully’ while women just ‘go grey’!
Utter poppycock!
Confident body language
You have the power!
You have the power to change the way people think about you and, more importantly, the way you think about yourself. If you think you are old and past it, then your body language, the way you speak and the way you dress will echo what you think about yourself. Then (and you should no longer be amazed by this), that’s what people will perceive about you and they will treat you accordingly.
So, let’s do something about this ugly state of affairs
Start with your hairstyle. Your hair is your crowining glory. It’s one of the very first things we notice when we meet someone. And most women (men, too) feel much more confident when their hair looks good. Choose a style to suit your shape and personality, get a good cut, always keep it clean and well groomed, and start showing the world that you feel good about yourself.
After all, what you wear tells other people how to treat you.